Plex on mac use mouse
Plex on mac use mouse

plex on mac use mouse plex on mac use mouse plex on mac use mouse

NOTE: Cell culture supernatant samples can be run without diluting in Assay Buffer if very low levels (less than 20 pg/mL) of cytokines are expected. Remove buffer in the wells by using the "flow-through"Filter Plate Washer connected to a vacuum source that has been adjusted according to the Filter Plate Washer Instructions.Īdd 30 µL of CCS, SPB or TL Assay Buffer to each sample well. It can be used for setting up acquisition parameters on the flow cytometer. NOTE: Save the remaining capture bead working suspension and store at 2-8☌ with light protection. Vortex working bead suspension for 15 seconds.Īdd 45 µL of capture bead working suspension to each well. IMPORTANT: Place the filter plate on top of the filter plate lid during the entire assay process to prevent touching the plate bottom on any surface. If the whole plate will not be used, seal the unused well with a plate seal. Standards and samples should be run in duplicates or triplicates. Mark the standard, sample and blank wells. For more information on GeniePlex click here. For the correct instructions please follow the protocol included in your kit.Ī filter plate washer is required for the following protocol. Protocols are specific to each batch/lot. *Note: The below protocol is a sample protocol. Lyophilized Standard Mix-Mouse Chemokine 7-Plex. One vial containing 1.5 mL of biotin detection antibody diluent. S4P5 - anti-M IP-10 S4P9 - anti-M KC S4P10 - anti-M Eotaxin S5P3 - anti-M MCP-1 S5P7 - anti-M MIG S5P8 - anti-M RANTES S5P10 - anti-M MCP-3īiotin - anti-M IP-10 Biotin - anti-M KC Biotin - anti-M Eotaxin Biotin - anti-M MCP-1 Biotin - anti-M MIG Biotin - anti-M RANTES Biotin - anti-M MCP-3Ģx Mouse/Rat dAb Diluent.

Plex on mac use mouse